Thursday, January 30, 2014

TED Talk Resource: Communication as an Art Form by Sangeeta Isvaran

For those of you that frequent my blog, you are familiar with my video postings from various resources around the web. Today, I am pleased to share with you a TEDx video clip presented by Ms.Sangeeta Isvaran. This is special for me, because Ms Isvaran was my senior in high school back home in India. She is an amazing artist and expresses herself through the traditional dance form of ancient southern India, Bharatnatyam. In this video she explains how she communicates with the people around her using non verbal facial expressions and how she utilizes this art form in the social work she is involved in globally. Hope you enjoy the clip and gain insight in to this art form. I would as always, love to hear your comments on this post below. Watch this TEDx Sairam Talk by Sangeeta Isvaran and share your thoughts in the comments section below.
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