Tuesday, November 15, 2016

PMI-Milwaukee Breakfast Discussion - Career Planning for Project Managers

I am invited to be a guest speaker/panelist tomorrow at my local Project Management Institute (PMI-Milwaukee) Chapter.  The topic for tomorrow's discussion is: Career Planning for Project Managers. The event is hosted by Direct Supply from 7:00-8:30AM at their offices in Milwaukee.

Presentation Summary:  
Project managers need to manage their careers over the long term just like anyone else. If an organization has more than a few project managers then there will be a mix of people with different skills, experience, and aspirations. It's natural for some people to leave and others to take their places.
How do organizations manage that mix over the long term? What do project managers aspire to do after they've gotten really good at their jobs? What opportunities can we create for them that will use their strengths while helping them to get what they want from their careers?  
If you are interested in learning more about this topic as a blog post, please leave your comments below.

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Monday, October 3, 2016

SAFe Training Calendar Published!

I am glad to be announcing our SAFe Training Calendar for the months of October & November.  Please checkout the current offerings and sign up early. The October classes have a maximum capacity of 15 and the November classes can accommodate up to 20 participants.  Payment is easy via PayPal with a major credit card. If you would like to pay over the phone, please send me and email and a contact number where I can reach you.

The location details will be provided via email as soon as the registration has been completed. The cost of registration includes lunch, snacks for both days and exam registration for certification.

I look forward to meeting you soon!
read more “SAFe Training Calendar Published!”

Sunday, October 2, 2016

October 2 2016

Warm Autumn wishes! Today is October 2 2016. As I remember to two years ago when I had delivered my toastmasters speech on the occasion October 2 1869, A Glimpse Back in History Also, a lot has changed since that day. I have been away from blogging on my site for almost two years. 

However, I am back now and will be sharing with my readers and followers what I have been doing during this long hiatus. I will be sharing what content topics you can expect to see here and as always, please leave your comments on what topics you are most interested in reading.

I also have started up two Meetup communities - Predictive Analytics Ozaukee & Scaled Agile Framework SAFe Ozaukee.  I will give my readers more in the upcoming weeks on what each of those communities are and how if you are local to Ozaukee county Wisconsin or surrounding area can join us at our next gathering.

read more “October 2 2016”



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