Friday, March 31, 2017

Status Updates & DevOps Periodic Table of Tools

I've been away from nurturing my blog for a couple of weeks because I have been busy developing a calendar so that I can publish articles that are of most value to my readers. Also, these past weeks have been extremely enriching for me as I have been engaged as an Independent Agile coach for a couple of teams. Some of you have reached out to me to write about my experiences as an Agile coach. I have that as one of my topics which I plan to publish soon. I also have compiled a list of questions that I get asked by my potential clients before they bring me into their environments. I will post that in the Tools & Resources Section of my blog.

For today, I wanted to share with you a great resource published by Xebia Labs - DevOps Periodic Table of Tools. It is represented so clearly for anyone that is looking to gain an understanding of the vast landscape of the toolset that is available. If you currently use this table, please share in the comments below how you use it in your organization. If you have never seen this before and have found it a helpful read, please do let me know.
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