Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Video: Influence of Social Media on India's Digital Consumer

As a business entrepreneur you need to be well informed on the local trends, economy, consumer behaviors and your industry. For those of us that are looking to penetrate emerging markets, it is even more so important to stay in touch with trends in those countries. I found this video by Nieslen India to be insightful to learn about the influence social media has on India's digital consumer. It is amazing to note that India will be the second largest country after United States by 2012. LinkedIn already has 9 million users in India!

1 comment:

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    By the end of 2011, social media recruiter postings appear on a regular basis on job aggregator sites like Indeed.com and Simply Hired, and number well over 1,000 in an October 2011 search.
    Don't count on a traditional degree to get you much traction when it comes to getting a job in social media – it's your social experience that will make the difference.

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